根据伊本·西林(Ibn Sirin),纳博尔西(Nabolsi)等人的解释,对梦的解释
Tafsir Al Ahlam是您梦dream以求的含义的免费应用,可以用易于使用的系统解释。
伊本·西林(Ibn Sirin)的梦想解释为您提供了关于梦和愿景的解释的综合指南。现在通过寻找梦想或选择以梦想开头的角色来解释任何梦想或愿景,然后浏览从那封信开始的梦想和视野的解释。
您是否正在寻找对梦想的解释? And when you read the interpretation of dreams you will find that each symbol in the dream carries different meanings interpreted by each person according to personal circumstances, and in the beginning you should be aware of some simple things and of which it is not what happens to you in a dream condition is the same thing that will happen in Indeed, it may be signals and signs symbolize other things will happen to you and usually hide behind a message to you, therefore, the search process on the interpretation of these symbols is not as easy as you think you should try at首先要记住梦想的细节,当您达到正确的解释时,您在梦中的感觉非常重要,当您记得自己一开始就记得自己的梦想时,就不用担心,一旦您的压力和焦虑的结果,您就会感到自己很快就会醒来,一旦您的镇定和放松就会发现自己的早晨可能不会在同一早晨,所以可能是在同一早晨,这可能是如此
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